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Version: 0.19.0

Profile Releases Enterprise



  • Agent
    • Add support for mutating violating resource.

Dependency Versions

  • Policy Agent v2.2.0

Policy Library Compatibility

Compatible with Policy Library versions:

  • v1.2.0

Needs this migration steps to be compatible with the following versions:

  • v1.1.0
  • v1.0.0
  • v0.4.0



  • Agent
    • Add PolicyConfig CRD to make it possible to customize policy configuration per namespaces, applications or resources
    • Add mode field to policy set and add policy modes to its status
    • Add policy modes to labels to support filtering
    • Support backward compatibility for policy version v2beta1

Dependency Versions

  • Policy Agent v2.0.0

Policy Library Compatibility

Compatible with Policy Library versions:

  • v1.2.0

Needs this migration steps to be compatible with the following versions:

  • v1.1.0
  • v1.0.0
  • v0.4.0



  • Agent
    • Reference flux objects in violations events instead of the original resource object to be able to list specific flux application violations

Dependency Versions

  • policy-agent 1.2.1

Policy Library Compatibility

  • v0.4.0
  • v1.0.0
  • v1.1.0



  • Agent
    • Add Terraform mode to allow validating terraform plans
    • Support targeting kubernetes HPA resources

Dependency Versions

  • policy-agent 1.2.0

Policy Library Compatibility

  • v0.4.0
  • v1.0.0
  • v1.1.0

While both v.0.4.0 and v1.0.0 are compatible with the agent. Only v1.1.0 includes the modification needed to make Controller Minimum Replica Count policy with with horizontalpodautoscalers



  • Agent
    • Make the audit interval configurable through config.audit.interval. It defaults to 24 hours.
    • Add support for targeting certain flux resources (kustomizations, helmreleases and ocirepositories) in the admission mode.
  • Profile
    • Add the ability to use an existing GitSource instead of creating a new one.

Dependency Versions

  • policy-agent 1.1.0

Policy Library Compatibility

  • v0.4.0
  • v1.0.0



  • Agent
    • Configure the agent through a configuration file instead of arguments.
    • Allow defining different validation sinks for audit and admission modes.
    • Add the PolicySet CRD to the hem chart.
  • Profile
    • Disable the default policy source.

Dependency Versions

  • policy-agent 1.0.0

Policy Library Compatibility

  • v0.4.0
  • v1.0.0