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Version: 0.20.0

Emergency Cluster User Account


This is an insecure method of securing your dashboard which we only recommend for local and development environments, or if you need to activate emergency access to a damaged cluster.

Note also that this mechanism only exists for a single user: you will not be able to create multiple users. Weave GitOps does not provide its own authentication mechanism, for secure and fully-featured authentication we strongly recommend using an OIDC provider as described here.

Configuring the emergency user

Before you login via the emergency user account, you need to generate a bcrypt hash for your chosen password and store it as a secret in Kubernetes. There are several different ways to generate a bcrypt hash, this guide uses gitops get bcrypt-hash from our CLI.

Generate the password by running:

PASSWORD="<your password>"
echo -n $PASSWORD | gitops get bcrypt-hash

Now create a Kubernetes secret to store your chosen username and the password hash:

kubectl create secret generic cluster-user-auth \
--namespace flux-system \
--from-literal=username=admin \

You should now be able to login via the cluster user account using your chosen username and password.

Updating the emergency user

To change either the username or the password, recreate the cluster-user-auth with the new details.

Note that only one emergency user can be created this way. To add more users, enable an OIDC provider.

User permissions

By default both a ClusterRole and Role are generated for the emergency user. Both have the same permissions with former being optional and the latter being bound to the flux-system namespace (where Flux stores its resources by default). The default set of rules are configured like this:

# Flux Resources
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: [ "buckets", "helmcharts", "gitrepositories", "helmrepositories", "ocirepositories" ]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "patch" ]

- apiGroups: [""]
resources: [ "kustomizations" ]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "patch" ]

- apiGroups: [""]
resources: [ "helmreleases" ]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "patch" ]

- apiGroups: [ "" ]
resources: [ "providers", "alerts" ]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "patch" ]

- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["terraforms"]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch", "patch" ]

# Read access for all other Kubernetes objects
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch" ]

These permissions give the emergency user Administrator level powers. We do not advise leaving it active on production systems.

If required, the permissions can be expanded with the rbac.additionalRules field in the Helm Chart. Follow the instructions in the next section in order to configure RBAC correctly.


To remove the emergency user as a login method, set the following values in the Helm Chart:

create: false
- --auth-methods=oidc

If you are disabling an already existing emergency user, you will need to manually delete the Kubernetes Secret and any User Roles which were created on the cluster.