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Version: 0.21.1

Use TF-controller with drift detection disabled

To disable drift detection in a Terraform object reconciled by the TF-controller, you can add the following configuration to your Terraform object:

kind: Terraform
name: helloworld
namespace: flux-system
approvePlan: auto
disableDriftDetection: true
interval: 1m
path: ./
kind: GitRepository
name: helloworld
namespace: flux-system

This configuration will tell the TF-controller to run the specified Terraform configuration located at ./ in the flux-system namespace, with a polling interval of 1 minute. It will also automatically approve any plans that are created, and it will not perform drift detection.

Drift detection is a feature that compares the current state of the resources managed by Terraform with the desired state defined in the configuration files. If there are any differences, the TF-controller will create a plan to bring the resources back in line with the configuration. By setting spec.disableDriftDetection: true, you are telling the TF-controller to skip this check and not create any plans to correct for any detected drift.