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Version: 0.23.0

Querying Enterprise


This feature is in alpha and certain aspects will change

We're very excited for people to use this feature. However, please note that changes in the API, behaviour and security will evolve. The feature is suitable to use in controlled testing environments.

Explorer recommended way to discover resources is via its search dialog. This guide provides the background to understand it and set how to use it.


Every resource is normalised to the following common schema:

ClusterName of cluster where the resource exists. As gitops cluster <GitopsClusterNamespace,GitopsClusterName>
NamespaceNamespace name where the resource exists.
KindResource kubernetes type or kind
NameResource name as specified in its manifest.
StatusResource health status. Indicates the status of its reconciliation.
MessageResource health status message. It extends status field with information about the status.

For a podinfo helm release from a cluster default/progress-delivery-demo2-32 like this:

kind: HelmRelease
name: podinfo
namespace: flux-system
chart: podinfo
interval: 1m
reconcileStrategy: ChartVersion
kind: HelmRepository
name: podinfo
version: 6.0.0
interval: 1m
- message: Release reconciliation succeeded
reason: ReconciliationSucceeded
status: "True"
type: Ready

The schema looks like

default/progress-delivery-demo2-32flux-systemHelmReleasepodinfoSuccessRelease reconciliation succeeded

And represented in the UI like



Based on the previous schema you have two main modes to discover or filter the data

  1. Filter by key and value: when you know the pair <key,value> that you want to filter from.
  2. Filter by value: when you want to filter across keys or does not know the key

For key:value filter the results would be those results where key=value exactly.

Filter by key and value

You search with the format key:value indicating that you want to filter the resources matching the key and value. A couple of examples could be:

  • kind:HelmRelease to filter all helm releases.
  • status:Failed to find all failing resources.

Filter by value

You search with a single term value indicating that you want to filter across the supported keys by values. The value would be search cross keys: name, namespace and cluster as synthatic sugar for name:value OR namespace:value OR cluster:value.

An example cold be using podinfo that would translate into name:podinfo OR namespace:podinfo OR cluster:podinfo.



You could refine filtered results by using AND semantics adding different filters.

For example if you want to have all the resources within flux-system namespace from management cluster you could create a query like the following:

and query

with two sequential filters namespace:flux-system and cluster:management to achieve it.


Here a set of questions around querying to allow you get started by practice.

How can I discover resources from a cluster?

You could use the single term with clusterName or cluster:clusterName

For example for management cluster could be management or cluster:management

filter by cluster

How can I discover resources from a namespace?

You could use the single term with namespaceName or namespace:namespaceName.

How can I discover applications?

You should filter by kind where kind could be either HelmRelease or Kustomization like kind:Kustomization or kind:HelmRelease. You could also use the pre-built filters.

filter by kind

Exact Matching

Remember that key:value is key=value

  • kind:HelmRelease returns all Helm Releases apps
  • kind:helmrelease wont return anything

How can I discover failed applications?

You should filter by status:Failed to find the failing apps or use the pre-built filters.

How can I discover resources by name?

You could use the single term with resourceName or name:resourceName.